Sleep: The Key to Life

Isaac Gonzalez
Mr. Lewenstein
ENGL 008
21 September 2017
Sleep: The Key to Life
In “Sleeping your Way to the Top,” Sara Song argues, that any human no matter what age should achieve eight hours of sleep a night: to stay focused and alert throughout the day. According to her argument, Song claims that loss of sleep can show signs of dementia:which can result in someone suddenly not knowing where one is or can result in Microsleep. Scientist claim that these are little episodes of sleep because of lack of sleep. I agree with Song, those much needed eight hours are crucial to your day of learning and productivity. Although there is an unlimited amount of entertainment on social media; doesn’t mean that you should spend those few extra hours exploring the web before bed.
Depression, anxiety, and sleep have a complex relationship. The mix doesn’t only keep you up throughout the night but can actually make your conditions worse. Experts claim that depriving yourself from sleep “chips away at your happiness.” I for one have had and still am dealing with these conditions. In my experiences; I tend to overthink about anything and everything before I knock out. After reading this article I could relate to the symptoms. Personally I usually get about three to five hours of sleep a night; getting up in the morning I usually feel like a zombie. One way to describe the feeling is lost and exhausted. Resulting in me laying there for a good while before I get started with my day. Depression can also cause sleep apnea. A condition in which a person wakes up frequently and very briefly throughout the night. The condition can alter brain activity and neurochemicals that affect a person's mood and thinking. This cycle continues getting worse leading to clinical depression. In result you’ll lose more sleep.
Feeling slow in the mornings caused me to pick up a new habit, energy drinks. My weapon of choice, to fight off drowsiness is the Starbucks Double Shots. Not a good habit for anyone to pick up because when you drink them you’re fighting off and preventing even more sleep than you;ve already lost; not to mention the health risks. Drinking an energy drink once in awhile isn't bad; mostly everyone has to have that little boost to help with their productivity. Even I have to drink one to get me through those final hours of my English class every Friday. On the other hand the best way is to get that energy for the day are those recommended eight hour of sleep every night.
Another known enemy of sleep is Social Media. I can admit that i'm victim to this addictive activity. Social Media is fairly new to the world and nearly everyone uses it; which may leed everyone encountering this problem. All those pictures of loved ones and friend, funny picture, and interesting news reports; can keep you up through the night. This happens to me all the time. A big downside is if you’re not careful; time will pass you by in a quickness. Quickly losing an hour or two of sleep a night and not even realizing it. In addition to social media; your phone can is an even bigger distraction. You can almost be fully asleep: then you hear that majestic ringtone; no choice but to look. Self control is hard to find when it comes to technology nowadays.

I agree with Song, get those needed eight hours: prevent microsleep. It not only a big danger to yourself but can be to others under certain circumstances like operating a vehicle. Depriving yourself of sleep can cause mental and physical problems and even make them worse. Sleep is very important and should not be ignored.


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