Forest Gump: Loyalty

Isaac Gonzalez
Mr. Lewenstein
ENGL 008
21 September 2017
Forest Gump: Loyalty

Loyalty is to keep your word no matter what; it also shows with your actions. A great example of loyalty is the character Forest Gump. Forest, is a young boy from the south; met the love of his life on the bus one day before school. The two grew up and stuck together. Even when he becomes a college football star and Vietnam veteran; forest never fails to go see the love of his life Jenny. Even though she cheats on him and leaves him confused; Forest feels like he should be by her side no matter what. Forest shows off his loyalty when Jenny was kissing another guy in her car and forest went to her “rescue.” Another time throughout the whole movie is when he continues to run. The famous saying “run forest run” helped save him from life threatening problems and situations. Staying true to his word not only saved his life, it also gave him peace of mind. Vietnam had death around every corner, but forest ran from danger and saved many lives in the process. Carrying out bodies from the battlefield to the river bank one by one. One man he saved from the field; but later died on that river bank, was his best friend friend Buba. He came from a long line of shrimping boaters. When in boot camp that's all he would talk about and the two made a deal to be captains of their own shrimp boat; when they get out of the service. When Buba died; forest kept his word alive and bought a shrimping boat. Forest shows great examples of loyalty throughout the movie, even to those that have passed on.


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