
Showing posts from December, 2017

Research paper Excerpt

     For this research paper we read an article by Sara Song in class and wrote about our opinion on sleep deprivation. I talked about my personal experience loosing sleep and other interesting facts about how we loose it and not even realize it. Depression, anxiety, and sleep have a complex relationship. The mix doesn’t only keep you up throughout the night but can actually make your conditions worse. Experts claim that depriving yourself from sleep “chips away at your happiness.” I for one have had and still am dealing with these conditions. In my experiences; I tend to overthink about anything and everything before I knock out. After reading this article I could relate to the symptoms. Personally I usually get about three to five hours of sleep a night; getting up in the morning I usually feel like a zombie. One way to describe the feeling is lost and exhausted. Resulting in me laying there for a good while before I get started with my day. Depression can also cause sleep